Coming Soon


Coming Soon 〰️


Finding Marilyn


An impressionable waitress/instagram star obsessed with Marilyn Monroe searches for her grave while she meets with agents and producers in Los Angeles.


Savoy is a waitress in a small retirement town with a rich fantasy life. Her tips barely cover her bills, but she has a secret that even her best friends don’t know about. She has created an online persona where she talks through her daily dramas while physically transforming into Marilyn Monroe. It watches like a video diary and people are obsessed. A manager tracks her down and brings her to LA in hopes she will put him on the map as the one who discovered the next Marilyn Monroe. Savoy discovers that fame and Marilyn Monroe are not what they seem. After a series of dangerous nights, Savory returns to her hometown, but she doesn’t belong there anymore. With the help of a well-intentioned mentor, Savoy begins her new career creating a play about her experiences.